BioCelles Hair Essence (BHE)
BioCelles Hair Essence (BHE) was previously known as BioCelles XG Hair tonic. It has evolved over time from its previous glorious predecessor with the name of "XG Hair" into the latest name of BioCelles Hair Essence (BHE).
BioCelles Hair Essence (BHE) is made from more than 7 exotic traditional herbs. It does not contain any chemical composition, mercury, preservations and artificial fragrance. This hair essence is 100% natural with no side effect. Suitable for any gender and all ages.
驷力佰药 BHE生发护发精华是采用超过7种传统高质量的中草药材配制而成,不含化学药物,无水银,无香精和不含防腐剂。内含100%纯中草药,对人体无副作用。适合男女老少使用。
To improve new hair re-grow, to control hair loss problem, to strengthen existing hair follicles, to reduce scalp itchiness and to contain grey hair issue (*please note that grey hair due to old age is unavoidable). Improvement of oily scalp and scalp allergy problems. Recommended for women with post-pregnancy hair loss problem and children above 5 year of age with slow hair growth and thin hair.
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